Contact Housing Next
Have more questions about what we do and why? Want to partner with us to create long-lasting solutions for our communities? We want to hear from you.
For Organizations & Individuals
Our work to increase the supply and affordability of housing in West Michigan can only be done through a broad coalition of organizations, community, business and faith leaders, individuals with a passion for their neighborhoods and community. Sign up below to get involved in what's next for Housing Next.
Financially Support the Effort
Housing Next’s efforts to address the housing crisis is funded through the generous contributions of cross sector partners including West Michigan philanthropists, employers, foundations and individuals.
Housing Advocates interested in financially supporting the effort can contribute here through the Greater Grand Rapids Chamber Foundation.
Questions? Contact Brooke Oosterman at brooke@housingnext.org.
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* This information will help us keep you informed on the policies, projects and opportunities in the places you live and work.